
Patriarchal Exarch of Malta the newly elected Metropolitan of Krini Mr. Kyrillos, from Abydos

Patriarchal Exarch Melitis (Malta) was appointed today (16.2.2021) the newly elected Metropolitan of Krini, Mr. Kyrillos, from Abydos. This follows from the official Communiqué of the Holy and Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, where it is announced:
“After a proposal from His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch, His Excellence Bishop of Abydos, Mr. Kyrillos, Professor of the University of Athens, was elected Metropolitan of Krini and appointed as Patriarchal Exarch at the head of the newly established Exarchate of Malta. He gave the Small and the Great Message on the same day and expressed his gratitude, as it happened the at he was present in Phanar.